The AdoNetExtensions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AsIndexed(DataTable)
Wraps a DataTable in an IndexedDataTable<DataRow> so it can be indexed and queried using the optimized query operators from IndexedQueryExtensions.
Public method Static member AsIndexed<(Of <<'(TRow>)>>)(DataTable)
Wraps a DataTable in an IndexedDataTable<(Of <(<'TRow>)>)> so it can be indexed and queried using the optimized query operators from IndexedQueryExtensions.
Public method Static member AsIndexed<(Of <<'(TRow>)>>)(TypedTableBase<(Of <<'(TRow>)>>))
Wraps a typed ADO.NET data table in an IndexedDataTable<(Of <(<'TRow>)>)> so it can be indexed and queried using the optimized query operators from IndexedQueryExtensions.
Public method Static member AsLive(DataTable)
Creates a view based on the specified ADO.NET DataTable.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(TRow>)>>)(DataTable)
Creates a view based on the specified ADO.NET DataTable.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(TRow>)>>)(TypedTableBase<(Of <<'(TRow>)>>))
Creates a view based on the specified typed data table.
Public method Static member BeginUpdate
Indicates that massive changes are being made in code, until EndUpdate(DataSet), to data tables in this DataSet.
Public method Static member EndUpdate
Indicates the end of massive changes to data tables in this DataSet started with BeginUpdate(DataSet).
Public method Static member IndexedField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(DataRow, DataColumn)
A hint to create and use an index on the specified data column. The hint has default action.
Public method Static member IndexedField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(DataRow, Int32)
A hint to create and use an index on the specified data column. The hint has default action.
Public method Static member IndexedField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(DataRow, String)
A hint to create and use an index on the specified data column. The hint has default action.
Public method Static member IndexedField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(DataRow, DataColumn, IndexingHintAction)
A hint to create and use an index on the specified data column. The hint has specified action.
Public method Static member IndexedField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(DataRow, Int32, IndexingHintAction)
A hint to create and use an index on the specified data column. The hint has specified action.
Public method Static member IndexedField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(DataRow, String, IndexingHintAction)
A hint to create and use an index on the specified data column. The hint has specified action.

See Also