Finds items with string key values starting with the specified string.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.Indexing.Search
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


IndexQuery<T, string> FindStartingWith(
	string value,
	Func<string, bool> keyPredicate,
	Order order
Visual Basic
Function FindStartingWith ( _
	value As String, _
	keyPredicate As Func(Of String, Boolean), _
	order As Order _
) As IndexQuery(Of T, String)


Type: System..::..String
The string to search for as the beginning of key value strings.
Type: System..::..Func<(Of <(<'String, Boolean>)>)>
An optional condition that found items must satisfy.
Type: C1.LiveLinq..::..Order
Optionally specifies the order of the key values to sort the result (Order.Unordered if sorting is not required).

Return Value

An object enumerating all items whose key values are strings that have a beginning matching the specified string and satisfy the optional condition.

See Also