Occurs after a new view row is created so it can be populated with default values.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq (in C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq.dll)


public event EventHandler<ViewRowAddingEventArgs> ViewRowAdding
Visual Basic
Public Event ViewRowAdding As EventHandler(Of ViewRowAddingEventArgs)


This event occurs only if the new row is created directly in the view, as a result of a view update operation, that is, with CreateRow()()()() or via data binding. It does not occur when new rows appear in the view as a result of view maintenance on changes made to the view's source data collections.

This event occurs immediately on creating the new row, before the method creating it returns, before the row enters edit mode (see ViewRowState about edit mode).

See Also