
  Class Description
Public class AggregationView<(Of <(<'TSource, TResult>)>)>
Represents a view having a single element calculated by aggregating a source view.
Public class GroupView<(Of <(<'TKey, TElement>)>)>
A group in a grouping view.
Public class OrderedView<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a sorted view.
Public class PropertyIsNotVirtualException
Represents an exception that indicates that a property used in a result selector of a live view is not virtual.
Public class View
Base class for the View<(Of <(<'T>)>)> class. Contains members that don't depend on the element type T.
Public class View<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a live view: a LINQ query result that supports two-way data binding and is kept up-to-date with base data.
Public class ViewRow
Represents a view element (item) for the purposes of dynamic, programmatic access to its properties and data binding.
Public class ViewRow<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public class ViewRowAddingEventArgs
Provides data for the ViewRowAdding event.
Public class ViewRowCollection
Represents a collection of ViewRow objects used for programmatic access to view elements (items) and for data binding.
Public class ViewRowPropertyInfo
Allows to control certain behavior of a property of the element type of a View.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ViewMaintenanceMode
Specifies how a view is synchronized with changes in its base data.
Public enumeration ViewOrder
Specifies whether and how a view must preserve item order if it exists in the source.
Public enumeration ViewRowState
The state of a view row with regard to edit, add and delete operations if they are performed directly on the view.