Groups the elements of a view according to a specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key. The elements of each group are projected by using a specified function.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq (in C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq.dll)


public View<TResult> GroupBy<TKey, TElement, TResult>(
	Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keySelector,
	Expression<Func<T, TElement>> elementSelector,
	Expression<Func<TKey, IEnumerable<TElement>, TResult>> resultSelector
Visual Basic
Public Function GroupBy(Of TKey, TElement, TResult) ( _
	keySelector As Expression(Of Func(Of T, TKey)), _
	elementSelector As Expression(Of Func(Of T, TElement)), _
	resultSelector As Expression(Of Func(Of TKey, IEnumerable(Of TElement), TResult)) _
) As View(Of TResult)


Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::..Expression<(Of <(<'Func<(Of <(<'T, TKey>)>)>>)>)>
A function to extract the key for each element.
Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::..Expression<(Of <(<'Func<(Of <(<'T, TElement>)>)>>)>)>
A function to map each source element to an element in the IGrouping<(Of <(<'TKey, TElement>)>)>.
Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::..Expression<(Of <(<'Func<(Of <(<'TKey, IEnumerable<(Of <(<'TElement>)>)>, TResult>)>)>>)>)>
A function to create a result value from each group.

Type Parameters

The type of the key returned by keySelector.
The type of the elements in groups.
The type of the result value returned by resultSelector.

Return Value

A view of elements of type TResult where each element represents a projection over a group and its key.

See Also