Widgets > wijexpander > wijexpander Tutorial > wijexpander Step 1 of 3: Setting up the View |
In this step, you'll begin by setting up the view. You'll add content to the expander that will be displayed when the widget is expanded.
![]() |
Note: This step assumes that you have created a MVC Tools project. See the Creating an MVC Tools Project topicfor more information. |
Complete the following steps:
tags of the page, just after @RenderBody():
<div id="expander">
Vestibulum ut eros non enim commodo hendrerit. Donec porttitor tellus non magna. Nam ligula elit, pretium et,
rutrum non, hendrerit id, ante. Nunc mauris sapien, cursus in.
This markup will add the expander content to the page. In this step, you created the View. In the next step, wijexpander Step 2 of 3: Initializing the Widget, you'll add script to initialize the widget.