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ClusteredBar Charts

Use a 3D clustered bar chart to compare values of items across categories, allowing the data to be viewed conveniently in a 3D format.


Note: To see a chart in three dimensions, the ProjectionType must be Orthogonal. The ProjectionType is found in the ChartArea Collection dialog in the Projection section.


Chart Information

# of Y values/data point 1
# of Series 1 or more
Marker Support Series or Data Point
Custom Properties BarTopPercent gets or sets the percentage of the top of the bar that is shown for Cone or Custom BarTypes.
BarType gets or sets the type of bars that are displayed.
Gap gets or sets the space between the bars of each X axis value.
RotationAngle gets or sets the starting horizontal angle for custom 3D bar shapes. Can only be used with the Custom BarType.
VertexNumber gets or sets the number of vertices for the data point, used to create custom 3D bar shapes. Can only be used with the Custom BarType. Bars must contain 3 or more vertices.


Below is an example of setting the custom chart properties at run time for a 3D clustered bar chart as shown above.

' Visual Basic
' set the custom properties for series 1
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("BarTopPercent") = 50.0F
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("BarType") = BarType.Custom
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("Gap") = 300.0F
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("RotationAngle") = 0.0F
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("VertexNumber") = 6

' set the custom properties for series 2
Me.ChartControl1.Series(1).Properties("BarTopPercent") = 20.0F
Me.ChartControl1.Series(1).Properties("BarType") = BarType.Custom
Me.ChartControl1.Series(1).Properties("Gap") = 300.0F
Me.ChartControl1.Series(1).Properties("RotationAngle") = 90.0F
Me.ChartControl1.Series(1).Properties("VertexNumber") = 3
// C#
// set the custom properties for series 1
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["BarTopPercent"] = 50f;
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["BarType"] = BarType.Custom;
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["Gap"] = 300f;
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["RotationAngle"] = 0f;
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["VertexNumber"] = 6;

// set the custom properties for series 2
this.ChartControl1.Series[1].Properties["BarTopPercent"] = 20f;
this.ChartControl1.Series[1].Properties["BarType"] = BarType.Custom;
this.ChartControl1.Series[1].Properties["Gap"] = 300f;
this.ChartControl1.Series[1].Properties["RotationAngle"] = 90f;
this.ChartControl1.Series[1].Properties["VertexNumber"] = 3;



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