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HiLoOpenClose Charts

A HiLo OpenClose chart displays stock information using High, Low, Open and Close values. Opening values are displayed using lines to the left, while lines to the right indicate closing values.


Chart Information

# of Y values/data point 4
# of Series 1 or more
Marker Support Series or Data Point. Marker labels use the first Y value as the default value.
Custom Properties HiLoLine gets or sets the line information for the HiLo line.
CloseLine gets or sets the line information for the close line.
OpenLine gets or sets the line information for the open line.
TickLen gets or sets the length of the tick for the open and close lines.


Below is an example of setting the custom chart properties at run time for a HiLoOpenClose chart as shown in the image above.

' Visual Basic
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("CloseLine") = New Line(Color.FromArgb(CType _
	(38, Byte), CType(110, Byte), CType(0, Byte)), 6)
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("HiloLine") = New Line(Color.FromArgb(CType _
	(255, Byte), CType(226, Byte), CType(233, Byte)))
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("OpenLine") = New Line(Color.FromArgb(CType _
	(187, Byte), CType(16, Byte), CType(82, Byte)), 6)
Me.ChartControl1.Series(0).Properties("TickLen") = 10.0F
// C#
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["CloseLine"] = new Line(Color.FromArgb(((System.Byte)
	(38)), ((System.Byte)(110)), ((System.Byte)(0))), 6);
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["HiloLine"] = new Line(Color.FromArgb(((System.Byte)
	(255)), ((System.Byte)(226)), ((System.Byte)(233))));
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["OpenLine"] = new Line(Color.FromArgb(((System.Byte)
	(187)), ((System.Byte)(16)), ((System.Byte)(82))), 6);
this.ChartControl1.Series[0].Properties["TickLen"] = 10f;




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