Glossary Item Box

Installation and Setup | Hardware and Software Requirements | Verifying Package Installation | Troubleshooting Installation

See Also ActiveReports for .NET 2 Online Help Send feedback to Data Dynamics

Installed Files

Folder/Files Description
<Common Files>\Data Dynamics\ActiveReports for .NET 2.0
ActiveReports.dll Run-time engine assembly file
ActiveReports.Chart.dll Chart control assembly file
ActiveReports.Design2.dll Designer assembly file
ActiveReports.Interop.dll Native functions assembly file
ActiveReports.Viewer.dll Viewer assembly file
ActiveReports.Web.dll Web assembly file
ActiveReports.Web.Design.dll Web designer assembly file
ARVSPackage.dll Visual Studio® .NET Integration Package
riched20.dll Version 4.0 of the Microsoft® RichEdit control, used to support rtf tables in edit mode of the ActiveReports RichTextBox control
ActiveReports.HtmlExport.dll HTML Export assembly file
ActiveReports.PdfExport.dll PDF Export assembly file
ActiveReports.RtfExport.dll RTF Export assembly file
ActiveReports.TextExport.dll Text Export assembly file
ActiveReports.TiffExport.dll TIFF Export assembly file
ActiveReports.XlsExport.dll Microsoft® Excel® Export assembly file
ActiveReports.Wizards.AddIn.dll Assembly file which contains the task pane for VS.NET and the interface for all addin\plugins\wizards, as well as the Report Wizard IDE task pane
ARCol*.* (7 files) ActiveReports Help Integration Collection
ddARNET2.HxS ActiveReports Help File
H2Reg*.* (3 files) Files used to register the ActiveReports help collection with the combined help collection of Visual Studio .NET
License.rtf Data Dynamics ActiveReports License Agreement and Limited Warranty
<Common Files>\Data Dynamics\ActiveReports for .NET 2.0\1033
ARVSPackageUI.DLL Visual Studio .NET integration localized UI assembly file
<Common Files>\Data Dynamics\ActiveReports for .NET 2.0\Wizards
AccessImport.xml File used by the task panel in Visual Studio .NET to load the Microsoft® Access® import wizard
ActiveReports.Wizards.AccessImport.dll Microsoft Access to ActiveReports wizard assembly file
ActiveReports.Wizards.DatabaseWizard.dll New report from database wizard assembly file
ARInstallExt.dll ActiveReports installation auxiliary file
arinstallext.InstallState ActiveReports installation auxiliary file
DBWizard.xml File used by the task panel in Visual Studio .NET to load the database wizard
DDAccessHelper.dll Microsoft Access wizard auxiliary file
Switcher.exe A tool which allows you to run both ActiveReports for .NET versions 1.0 and 2.0 on the same machine
WebKey.exe Web.config key generator
Wrapper.dll Supports low level functions for the version switcher
<Application Folder>
Data\Nwind.mdb Samples database file
Deployment\ActiveReportsDistrib.msm ActiveReports merge module file
Deployment\ ActiveX® viewer cab file
Introduction\*.gif and *.ico Readme image files (7)
Introduction\readme.hta ActiveReports Readme file
Localization\publickey.snk Strong name key file used in localizing the Report Engine, End User Report Designer, and Viewer
Localization\Satellite.chm Help file for the Satellite Assembly utility
Localization\SatelliteAssembly.exe Utility which creates satellite assemblies for localizing the Report Engine, End User Report Designer, and Viewer
Localization\Designer\*.* Files used for localizing the End User Report Designer control
Localization\Report Engine\*.* Files used for localizing the report engine
Localization\Viewer\*.* Files used for localizing the Viewer control
Localization\Web Viewer\*.* Files used for localizing the Web Viewer control
Samples\CSharp\*.* Visual C#® sample projects
Samples\VB\*.* Visual Basic® sample projects

Installation and Setup | Hardware and Software Requirements | Verifying Package Installation | Troubleshooting Installation



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