Spread 8.0 Documentation
Click Event
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ActiveX Reference > ActiveX Events > Click Event

Glossary Item Box

Click Event

See Also

Applies To

fpSpread control


Occurs when the user clicks a cell using the left mouse button.



afx_msg void OnClickfpSpread(UINT, int, CWnd*, LPVOID);

Visual Basic

Sub fpSpread_Click(ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Row As Long)


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Col Column number of cell the user clicked
Row Row number of cell the user clicked


If you set the MoveActiveOnFocus property to False and you move focus back to the control by clicking the left mouse button, the Click event does not fire and the active cell does not move.

Use the SheetSendingEvent property if you want to return the sheet for which this event occurred.

See Also

MoveActiveOnFocus, SheetSendingEvent properties

DblClick, RightClick events

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