Spread 8.0 Documentation
ScrollBarV Property
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ActiveX Reference > ActiveX Properties > ScrollBarV Property

Glossary Item Box

ScrollBarV Property

See Also    DLL

Applies To

fpSpreadPreview control


Sets or returns whether and how the vertical scroll bar is displayed.



long CSpreadPreview::GetScrollBarV( );
void CSpreadPreview::SetScrollBarV(long value);

Visual Basic

[form.]fpSpreadPreview.ScrollBarV[ = setting%]


The following settings are available:

Setting Description Constant
0 - Show Displays vertical scroll bar at all times ScrollBarShow
1 - Auto (Default) Displays vertical scroll bar when the view exceeds the size of the client area ScrollBarAuto
2 - Hide Does not display vertical scroll bar ScrollBarHide

Specify whether and how the horizontal scroll bar is displayed using the ScrollBarH property.

Specify the horizontal and vertical increments by which the control scrolls using the ScrollIncH and ScrollIncV properties.

Data Type

Integer (Enumerated)

See Also

Displaying Scroll Bars

ScrollBarH, ScrollIncH, ScrollIncV properties

DLL Correspondence

SpvGetScrollBarV, SpvSetScrollBarV functions

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