ActiveX Properties
- Standard Visual Basic Properties Supported by the fpSpread Control
- Standard Visual Basic Properties Supported by the fpSpreadPreview Control
- About
- ActiveCellHighlightStyle
- ActiveCol
- ActiveRow
- ActiveSheet
- AllowCellOverflow
- AllowColMove
- AllowEditOverflow
- AllowDragDrop
- AllowMultiBlocks
- AllowRowMove
- AllowUserFormulas
- AllowUserZoom
- Appearance
- AppearanceStyle
- ArrowsExitEditMode
- AutoCalc
- AutoClipboard
- AutoSize
- BackColor
- BackColor (CTAppearance)
- BackColorStyle
- BlockMode
- BorderStyle
- ButtonDrawMode
- CausesValidation
- CellNote
- CellNoteIndicator
- CellNoteIndicatorColor
- CellNoteIndicatorShape
- CellTag
- CellType
- ChangeMade
- Clip
- ClipboardOptions
- ClipValue
- Col
- Col2
- ColHeaderRows
- ColHeadersAutoText
- ColHeadersAutoTextIndex
- ColHeadersShow
- ColHeadersUserSortIndex
- ColHidden
- ColMerge
- ColID
- ColPageBreak
- ColsFrozen
- ColUserSortIndicator
- ColWidth
- Container
- Count (fpDataObjectFiles)
- CursorIcon
- CursorStyle
- CursorType
- DataBindings
- DataChanged
- DataColCnt
- DataField
- DataFillEvent
- DataMember
- DataRowCnt
- DataSource
- DAutoCellTypes
- DAutoFill
- DAutoHeadings
- DAutoSave
- DAutoSizeCols
- DInformActiveRowChange
- DragIcon
- DragMode
- DrawColors (CTAppearance)
- DrawPrimaryButton (CTAppearance)
- DrawSecondaryButton (CTAppearance)
- EditEnterAction
- EditMode
- EditModePermanent
- EditModeReplace
- Enabled
- EnhanceStaticCells
- EventEnabled
- Files (fpDataObject)
- Font
- Font (CTAppearance)
- FontBold
- FontItalic
- FontName
- FontSize
- FontStrikethru
- FontUnderline
- ForeColor
- ForeColor (CTAppearance)
- Formula
- FormulaSync
- GrayAreaBackColor
- GrayAreaColor
- GrayAreaMarginH
- GrayAreaMarginType
- GrayAreaMarginV
- GridColor
- GridShowHoriz
- GridShowVert
- GridSolid
- hDCPrinter
- Height
- HelpContextID
- HightlightAlphaBlend
- HightlightAlphaBlendColor
- HightlightHeaders
- HightlightStyle
- hWnd
- hWndSpread
- Index
- Item (fpDataObjectFiles)
- IsBlockSelected
- Left
- LeftCol
- Lock
- LockBackColor
- LockBackColor (CTAppearance)
- LockForeColor
- LockForeColor (CTAppearance)
- MaxCols
- MaxRows
- MaxTextCellHeight
- MaxTextCellWidth
- MaxTextColWidth
- MaxTextRowHeight
- MouseIcon
- MousePointer
- MoveActiveOnFocus
- Name
- NoBeep
- NoBorder
- Object
- OLEDropMode
- OperationMode
- PageBorderColor
- PageBorderWidth
- PageCurrent
- PageGutterH
- PageGutterV
- PageMultiCntH
- PageMultiCntV
- PagePercentageActual
- PageShadowColor
- PageShadowWidth
- PagesPerScreen
- PageViewPercentage
- PageViewType
- Parent
- PrintAbortMsg
- PrintBestFitPagesTall
- PrintBestFitPagesWide
- PrintBorder
- PrintCenterOnPageH
- PrintCenterOnPageV
- PrintColHeaders
- PrintColor
- PrintFirstPageNumber
- PrintFooter
- PrintGrid
- PrintHeader
- PrintJobName
- PrintMarginBottom
- PrintMarginLeft
- PrintMarginRight
- PrintMarginTop
- PrintNextPageBreakCol
- PrintNextPageBreakRow
- PrintOrientation
- PrintPageCount
- PrintPageEnd
- PrintPageOrder
- PrintPageStart
- PrintRowHeaders
- PrintScalingMethod
- PrintShadows
- PrintType
- PrintUseDataMax
- PrintZoomFactor
- ProcessTab
- Protect
- ReDraw
- RestrictCols
- RestrictRows
- RetainSelBlock
- Row
- Row2
- RowHeaderCols
- RowHeadersAutoText
- RowHeadersAutoTextIndex
- RowHeadersShow
- RowHeight
- RowHidden
- RowMerge
- RowPageBreak
- RowsFrozen
- ScriptEnhanced
- ScrollBarExtMode
- ScrollBarH
- ScrollBarHColor
- ScrollBarHeight
- ScrollBarMaxAlign
- ScrollBars
- ScrollBarShowMax
- ScrollBarStyle
- ScrollBarTrack
- ScrollBarV
- ScrollBarVColor
- ScrollBarWidth
- ScrollIncH
- ScrollIncV
- SelBackColor
- SelBackColor (CTAppearance)
- SelBlockCol
- SelBlockCol2
- SelBlockRow
- SelBlockRow2
- SelectBlockOptions
- SelectionCount
- SelForeColor
- SelForeColor (CTAppearance)
- SelLength
- SelModeIndex
- SelModeSelected
- SelStart
- SelText
- ShadowColor
- ShadowDark
- ShadowText
- Sheet
- SheetCount
- SheetName
- SheetSendingEvent
- SheetVisible
- ShowScrollTips
- SortKey
- SortKeyOrder
- StartingColNumber
- StartingRowNumber
- Style (CTAppearance)
- TabEnhancedShape
- TabIndex
- TabStop
- TabStripButtonPolicy
- TabStripFont
- TabStripLeftSheet
- TabStripPolicy
- TabStripRatio
- Tag
- Text
- TextTip
- TextTipDelay
- ToolTipText
- Top
- TopRow
- TwoDigitYearMax
- TypeButtonAlign
- TypeButtonBorderColor
- TypeButtonColor
- TypeButtonDarkColor
- TypeButtonLightColor
- TypeButtonPicture
- TypeButtonPictureDown
- TypeButtonShadowSize
- TypeButtonText
- TypeButtonTextColor
- TypeButtonType
- TypeCheckCenter
- TypeCheckPicture
- TypeCheckText
- TypeCheckTextAlign
- TypeCheckType
- TypeComboBoxAutoSearch
- TypeComboBoxCount
- TypeComboBoxCurSel
- TypeComboBoxEditable
- TypeComboBoxhWnd
- TypeComboBoxIndex
- TypeComboBoxList
- TypeComboBoxMaxDrop
- TypeComboBoxString
- TypeComboBoxWidth
- TypeCurrencyDecimal
- TypeCurrencyDecPlaces
- TypeCurrencyLeadingZero
- TypeCurrencyMax
- TypeCurrencyMin
- TypeCurrencyNegStyle
- TypeCurrencyPosStyle
- TypeCurrencySeparator
- TypeCurrencyShowSep
- TypeCurrencyShowSymbol
- TypeCurrencySymbol
- TypeCustomItemData
- TypeCustomName
- TypeCustomStyle
- TypeDateCentury
- TypeDateFormat
- TypeDateMax
- TypeDateMin
- TypeDateSeparator
- TypeEditCharCase
- TypeEditCharSet
- TypeEditMultiLine
- TypeEditPassword
- TypeEllipses
- TypeHAlign
- TypeMaxEditLen
- TypeNegRed
- TypeNumberDecimal
- TypeNumberDecPlaces
- TypeNumberLeadingZero
- TypeNumberMax
- TypeNumberMin
- TypeNumberNegStyle
- TypeNumberSeparator
- TypeNumberShowSep
- TypeOwnerDrawStyle
- TypePercentDecimal
- TypePercentDecPlaces
- TypePercentLeadingZero
- TypePercentMax
- TypePercentMin
- TypePercentNegStyle
- TypePicDefaultText
- TypePicMask
- TypePictCenter
- TypePictMaintainScale
- TypePictPicture
- TypePictStretch
- TypeScientificDecimal
- TypeScientificDecPlaces
- TypeScientificMax
- TypeScientificMin
- TypeSpin
- TypeSpinInc
- TypeSpinWrap
- TypeTextOrient
- TypeTextPrefix
- TypeTextShadow
- TypeTextShadowIn
- TypeTextWordWrap
- TypeTime24Hour
- TypeTimeMax
- TypeTimeMin
- TypeTimeSeconds
- TypeTimeSeparator
- TypeVAlign
- UnitType
- UserColAction
- UserResize
- UserResizeCol
- UserResizeRow
- UseVisualStyles
- Value
- VirtualCurRowCount
- VirtualCurTop
- VirtualMaxRows
- VirtualMode
- VirtualOverlap
- VirtualRows
- VirtualScrollBuffer
- Visible
- VisibleCols
- VisibleRows
- VScrollSpecial
- VScrollSpecialType
- WhatsThisHelpID
- Width
- ZoomState