ActiveReports Developer 7
Add Page Breaks in CPL
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ActiveReports Developer 7 > ActiveReports Developer Guide > How To > Page Report How To > Add Page Breaks in CPL

Glossary Item Box

In a page layout, you can add page breaks in a CPL report, using the PageBreakAtStart and PageBreakAtEnd properties of the report control.

You can set a page break before or after the Container control. It is also possible to force a page break before or after the following data regions or their groups:

Use the following steps to set page breaks in the report from the control dialogs:

To add a page break before or after a report control

  1. On the design surface, select the report control on which you want to add a page break and in the command section of the Properties Window, click Property dialog. This is a command to open the control's dialog. See Properties Window for more information on how to access commands.
  2. In the control's dialog that appears, on the General page, under Page Breaks, select the check box for Insert a page break before this control or Insert a page break after this control or both.
  3. Click the OK button to save the changes and to close the dialog.
  4. Go to the preview tab to view the result.

To add a page break before or after a group

  1. On the design surface, select the report control containing a group and in the command section of the Properties Window, click Property dialog. This is a command to open the control's dialog. See Properties Window for more information on how to access commands.
  2. In the control's dialog that appears, go to the Groups or Detail Grouping page whichever is available.
  3. On the Groups or Detail Grouping page, go the Layout tab and select the check box for Page break at start or Page break at end or both.
  4. Click the OK button to save the changes and to close the dialog.
  5. Go to the preview tab to view the result.

See Also

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