The EntityViewSource type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method EntityViewSource


  Name Description
Public method CheckAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public method ClearValue(DependencyProperty) (Inherited from DependencyObjectDependencyObject.)
Public method ClearValue(DependencyPropertyKey) (Inherited from DependencyObjectDependencyObject.)
Public method CoerceValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method DeferLoad
Used to group changes to multiple load-affecting properties together, deferring the resulting load operations so a single load operation is performed in the end, that is, when the object returned from this method is disposed.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method GetLocalValueEnumerator (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method InvalidateProperty (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method Load
Starts a load operation. Any pending load will be implicitly canceled.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public method LoadRange
If in virtual mode, loads a specific range of entities.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnPropertyChanged (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method ReadLocalValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method Refresh
Starts a load operation ignoring the client-side cache. Any pending load will be implicitly canceled.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public method SetCurrentValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method SetValue(DependencyProperty, Object) (Inherited from DependencyObjectDependencyObject.)
Public method SetValue(DependencyPropertyKey, Object) (Inherited from DependencyObjectDependencyObject.)
Protected method ShouldSerializeProperty (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method VerifyAccess (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)


  Name Description
Public property AutoLoad
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Load()()()() is automatically invoked on startup and when a change occurs that impacts the query composed by the ClientViewSource. The default is True.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property BaseView
Gets or sets an instance of ClientView<(Of <(<'T>)>)> that the ClientViewSource uses as the base for composing queries.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property CacheTimeout
Gets or sets the period of time entities loaded in virtual mode are kept in the cache without checking whether they are needed or not. If an entity was neither used nor considered needed for a period of time longer than CacheTimeout, ClientViewSource may evict it from the cache.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property CurrentClientView
Gets the current client view used to load entities, or null in virtual mode.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property DataView
Gets the current view of entities resulting from the last load operation.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property DependencyObjectType (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public property Dispatcher (Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public property EntitySetName
Gets or sets the name of the entity set to load entities from.
Public property FilterDescriptors
Gets the collection of FilterDescriptor objects used when performing loads.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property FilterOperator
Gets or sets the logical operator used for combinining FilterDescriptors in the filter collection. The default value is And.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property GroupDescriptors
Gets the collection of GroupDescriptor objects used to organize the loaded entities into groups.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property Include
Gets or sets a comma-separated list of property paths that specify related objects to include during the Load()()()() operation.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property IsLoadingData
Gets a value indicating whether the ClientViewSource is currently loading data.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property IsSealed (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public property LoadCommand
Gets an ICommand that invokes Load()()()() on this ClientViewSource.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property LoadDelay
Gets or sets the delay before an automatic data loading operation is started. It is the delay from the time a change prompting automatic load occurs until the time the resulting Load()()()() is started. The default delay is 25 milliseconds.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property LoadSize
Gets or sets the maximum number of items to load each time a Load()()()() is executed. When equal to 0, all requested entities will be loaded. The default is 0.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property MoveToFirstOnLoad
Gets or sets a value indicating that the first item must be made current after Load()()()() operation is completed if current item was not set by other means.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property Name
Gets a name of this EntityViewSource to reference it in a C1DataSource.ViewSources collection. It is determined by the EntitySetName but can be overrided by the NameOverride.
(Overrides ClientViewSource..::..Name.)
Public property NameOverride
Gets or sets a value that overrides the value of the Name property.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property PageSize
Gets or sets the number of items displayed on each page of the DataView, or the number of items to fetch in each query in virtual mode, or 0 to disable paging.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property SortDescriptors
Gets the collection of SortDescriptor objects used to sort the data.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public property VirtualMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ClientViewSource is in virtual mode. Virtual mode is an innovative technology allowing to bind GUI controls directly to very large data sets without delays and performance degradation and without inconvenience of paging. By default, virtual mode is disabled (the default value is None).
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)


  Name Description
Public event LoadedData
Occurs when a load operation is completed, or when an exception was thrown during the load operation.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)
Public event PropertyChanged
Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from ClientViewSource.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also