Spread 8.0 Documentation
CursorType Property
Support Options
ActiveX Reference > ActiveX Properties > CursorType Property

Glossary Item Box

CursorType Property

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Sets or returns the area of the control in which to display a different pointer. This property is available at run time only.



long CSpreadSheet::GetCursorType( );
void CSpreadSheet::SetCursorType(long value);

Visual Basic

[form.]fpSpread.CursorType[ = setting%]


Use the CursorType property to specify an area of the control, then specify the appearance of the pointer for that area using the CursorStyle property.

This setting is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

The following settings are available:

Setting Description Constant
0 - Default (Default) Displays pointer in the general area within the control CursorTypeDefault
1 - Column Resize Displays pointer in the column resize area CursorTypeColResize
2 - Row Resize Displays pointer in the row resize area CursorTypeRowResize
3 - Button Displays pointer in the button when the pointer passes over it CursorTypeButton
4 - Gray Area Displays pointer in the gray area when the pointer passes over it CursorTypeGrayArea
5 - Locked Cell Displays pointer within a locked cell when the pointer passes over it CursorTypeLockedCell
6 - Col Header Displays pointer within a column header when the pointer passes over it CursorTypeColHeader
7 - Row Header Displays pointer within a row header when the pointer passes over it CursorTypeRowHeader
8 - Drag Drop Area Displays pointer on the edge of the selection to drag and drop when the pointer passes over it CursorTypeDragDropArea
9 - Drag Drop Displays pointer while drag-and-drop operation is being performed CursorTypeDragDrop

Spread Designer

Choose the Book menu, then the Pointer menu, select the Pointer tab, and then choose an item from the Pointer Location combo box in the Book Display Settings dialog.

Data Type

Integer (Enumerated)

See Also

Specifying the Pointer

CursorIcon, CursorStyle properties

DLL Correspondence

SSGetCursor, SSSetCursor functions

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