VSFlexGrid Property Groups

The VSFlexGrid control has a rich set of properties, methods, and events. You do not have to know all of them in order to use the control effectively.

The reference below shows the most important properties, methods, and events, grouped by type of usage. Some elements appear in more than one group. For details on specific properties, events, or methods, check the reference part of this document.


1) Grid Layout

Rows, Cols, FixedRows, FixedCols, FrozenRows, FrozenCols, RightToLeft
RowHeight, ColWidth, AutoSize, AutoSizeMode, Sort, ColSort
RowHeightMin, RowHeightMax, ColWidthMin, ColWidthMax
LeftCol, TopRow, RightCol, BottomRow, ClientWidth, ClientHeight
CellLeft, CellTop, CellWidth, CellHeight, RowIsVisible, ColIsVisible, RowPos, ColPos, RowPosition, ColPosition


2) Cursor and Selection

Row, Col, RowSel, ColSel, Select, GetSelection, ShowCell
AllowSelection, AllowBigSelection, FocusRect, HighLight,
SelectionMode, IsSelected, SelectedRow, SelectedRows
BeforeMouseDown, MouseRow, MouseCol, BeforeRowColChange, AfterRowColChange, BeforeSelChange, AfterSelChange


3) Editing

Editable, EditCell, EditWindow, ShowComboButton, FillStyle, TabBehavior, BeforeEdit, StartEdit, ValidateEdit, AfterEdit, CellButtonClick, ComboList, ColComboList, BuildComboList, EditMask, ColEditMask, EditMaxLength, EditText, EditSelStart, EditSelLength, EditSelText, ComboCount, ComboData, ComboIndex, ComboCount, ComboSearch, KeyDownEdit, KeyPressEdit, KeyUpEdit, ChangeEdit


4) Getting and Setting Values

Cell, Text, TextMatrix, Clip, ClipSeparators, FillStyle, AddItem, RemoveItem, Clear, FindRow, Aggregate, Value, ValueMatrix


5) User Interface

ExplorerBar, BeforeMoveColumn, AfterMoveColumn, BeforeSort, AfterSort, AllowUserResizing, AutoSizeMouse, BeforeUserResize, AfterUserResize, FrozenRows, FrozenCols, AllowUserFreezing, AfterUserFreeze, AllowSelection, AllowBigSelection, Editable, TabBehavior, ScrollBars, ScrollTrack, BeforeScroll, AfterScroll, ScrollTips, ScrollTipText, BeforeScrollTip, AutoSearch, AutoSearchDelay


6) Outlining and Summarizing

OutlineBar, OutlineCol, TreeColor, NodeOpenPicture, NodeClosedPicture
IsSubtotal, RowOutlineLevel, IsCollapsed, BeforeCollapse, AfterCollapse
Subtotal, SubtotalPosition, MultiTotals, Outline, GetNodeRow


7) Merging Cells

MergeCells, MergeRow, MergeCol, MergeCompare, GetMergedRange


8) Data Binding

DataSource, DataMember, DataMode, VirtualData, DataRefresh, BeforeDataRefresh, AfterDataRefresh, AutoResize, Error
BindToArray, LoadArray, FlexDataSource, AddItem, RemoveItem, FilterData


9) Saving, Loading, and Printing Grids

SaveGrid, LoadGrid, ClipSeparators, Archive, ArchiveInfo, PrintGrid, StartPage, BeforePageBreak, GetHeaderRow


10) OLE Drag Drop

OLEDragMode, OLEDropMode, BeforeMouseDown, OLEDrag, OLEStartDrag, OLECompleteDrag, OLEDragDrop, OLEDragOver, OLEGiveFeedback, OLESetData