| Class | Description |
| BeforeMouseDownEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeMouseDown event. |
| C1FlexGrid | The C1FlexGrid control is a powerful, full-featured grid.
C1FlexGrid provides advanced features such as outline trees, cell merging, masked editing, translated combo and image lists, owner-draw cells, and automatic data aggregation. |
| C1FlexGridBase | Base class for the C1FlexGrid control. |
| C1FlexGridRenderer | Represents an abstract base class for custom grid renderers. |
| CellBorder | The CellBorder class encapsulates properties that control the appearance of borders in CellStyle objects. |
| CellRangeCollection | Collection of CellRange objects. |
| CellStyle | The CellStyle class encapsulates properties that control the appearance of grid cells. This information includes the background and foreground colors, font, text and image alignment, etc. |
| CellStyleCollection | Collection of CellStyle objects defined for a grid. |
| Column | Class that represents a grid column. |
| ColumnCollection | Collection of grid Column objects. |
| ColumnFilter | Represents a filter that contains a ValueFilter and a ConditionFilter. |
| ComboBoxEditor | Helper class that provides information about a currently active ComboBox editor. |
| Condition | Represents a condition within a ConditionFilter. |
| ConditionFilter | Represents a filter based on one or two logical conditions. |
| DragRowColEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeDragColumn, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeDragRow, C1FlexGridBase.AfterDragColumn, and C1FlexGridBase.AfterDragRow events. |
| GetErrorInfoEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GetCellErrorInfo and C1FlexGridBase.GetRowErrorInfo events. |
| GetLocalizedStringEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GetLocalizedString event. |
| GridChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GridChanged event handler. |
| GridErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GridError event. |
| GridGlyphs | Represents a collection of glyphs (images) indexed by glyph type (GlyphEnum type). |
| GridPrinter | Represents a class that encapsulates the control printing functionality, including page and printer settings, headers, and footers. |
| GridRendererOffice2007 | Represents the base abstract class for Office2007 style renderers. |
| GridRendererOffice2007Black | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2007 Black visual style. |
| GridRendererOffice2007Blue | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2007 Blue visual style. |
| GridRendererOffice2007Silver | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2007 Silver visual style. |
| GridRendererOffice2010Black | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2010 Black visual style. |
| GridRendererOffice2010Blue | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2010 Blue visual style. |
| GridRendererOffice2010Silver | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the Office2010 Silver visual style. |
| GridRendererSystem | C1FlexGridRenderer that implements the System visual style. |
| GridTree | The GridTree class encapsulates properties that specify the appearance, position, and behavior of the outline tree. |
| KeyEditEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.KeyDownEdit and C1FlexGridBase.KeyUpEdit events. |
| KeyPressEditEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.KeyPressEdit event. |
| MultiColumnDictionary | Class that implements the IC1MultiColumnDictionary and can be used as a column DataMap to create multi-column combo editors. |
| Node | The Node class encapsulates properties and methods used for manipulating node rows (collapsing, expanding, moving, and sorting them). |
| OwnerDrawCellEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.OwnerDrawCell event. |
| PrintDocumentGridRenderer | Represents an object that renders a C1FlexGrid into a paged System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument. |
| RangeEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.AfterRowColChange, C1FlexGridBase.AfterScroll, C1FlexGridBase.AfterSelChange, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeRowColChange, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeScroll, and C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSelChange events. |
| Row | Class that represents a grid row. |
| RowCol | Base class for grid rows and columns (Row and Column classes). |
| RowColCollection | Base class for grid row and column collections (RowCollection and ColumnCollection classes). |
| RowColEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.AfterEdit, C1FlexGridBase.AfterResizeColumn, C1FlexGridBase.AfterResizeRow, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeEdit, C1FlexGridBase.BeforePageBreak, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeResizeColumn, C1FlexGridBase.BeforeResizeRow, C1FlexGridBase.ShowScrollTip, C1FlexGridBase.CellButtonClick, C1FlexGridBase.ComboCloseUp, C1FlexGridBase.ComboDropDown, C1FlexGridBase.SetupEditor, and C1FlexGridBase.StartEdit events. |
| RowCollection | Collection of grid Row objects. |
| RuntimeStrings | Static class containing UI strings used by the designer. |
| RuntimeStrings.Errors | |
| SortColEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSort and C1FlexGridBase.AfterSort events. |
| SubtotalEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.BeforeSubtotal and C1FlexGridBase.AfterSubtotal events. |
| ToolTipEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ShowScrollTip event. |
| UnboundValueEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.GetUnboundValue and C1FlexGridBase.SetUnboundValue events. |
| ValidateEditEventArgs | Provides data for the C1FlexGridBase.ValidateEdit event. |
| ValueFilter | Represents a filter based on a set of values. |