Connecting Web Parts

Interactive connections can be made between Web Parts that are placed on the same page.

Using the On-Board Designer, you can send data to or receive data from other Web Parts and choose an event to trigger when the connection is made. 

Some examples:

The Quick Start includes an example of a Web Parts Connection. That connection is between a C1Maps Web Part and a C1DataGrid Web Part. To test drive this example yourself, try the following examples:


To create a connection between two Web Parts

A rule of thumb about connecting Web Parts — the Web Part that will be manipulated by the user is the "Send" Web Part, the one that displays information based on that event is the "Receive" Web Part. 

  1. Configure the two (or more) Web Parts that you would like to connect.
  2. Click the Connections tab.
  3. Since we want to send information to another Web Part, click the Send tab on the far right.
  4. Click the drop-down on the left and choose an event, such as Marker Clicked. (The events will vary based on the Web Parts you have created.) For a list of available events, see Web Part Connection Events.
  5. In the Connection Properties, choose the Send To drop-down and choose the Web Part to send the data to.

    Send Connection

  6. Click the Save Web Part button.
  7. Open the On-Board Designer for the Web Part that should receive the information. 
  8. Click the Connections tab.
  9. Since we want to receive information from another Web Part, choose the Receive tab on the far right.

  10. Click the drop-down on the left and choose an event, such as Display Data.
  11. In the Connection Properties, choose the Receive From drop-down and choose the Web Part to receive the data from. 

    Receive Data

  12. Click the Save Web Part button.
  13. Test the connection.