Connecting Web Parts Quick Start

Web Parts that are placed on the same page can be connected — these connections will make the web parts interact with each other.

How it works:


To create a connection
  1. On the page that already contains the C1Maps Quick Start Web Part, add a C1DataGrid Web Part. (See Adding a Web Part to a Page.)
  2. In the C1Maps Web Part, open the On-Board Designer. (See Using the On-Board Designer.)
  3. Click the Connections tab.

    Since we want to send the information from the Map to the DataGrid when a marker is clicked, choose the Send tab on the far right.

  4. Click the drop-down on the left and choose Marker Clicked.
  5. In the Connection Properties, choose to Send To the C1DataGrid Web Part.

    Send Connection

  6. Click the Save Web Part button.
  7. In the C1DataGrid Web Part, open the On-Board Designer.
  8. Click the Connections tab.

    Since we want to receive information from the Map that will be displayed in the DataGrid, choose the Receive tab on the far right.

  9. Click the drop-down on the left and choose Display Data.
  10. In the Connection Properties, choose to Receive From the C1Maps Web Part

    Receive Data

  11. Click the Save Web Part button.


The result:

Now, when you click on an orange ball marker in the C1Maps Web Part, the photo will display — and the C1DataGrid will display the information about that University in the C1DataGrid. The Data displayed in the DataGrid will be retrieved from the Universities data source used by the C1Maps Web Part.

If you close the photo and choose another marker, the information about that University will display in the DataGrid.

Completed Connection