Creating Charts with Multiple Data Series

You can create charts that compare data by overlaying multiple series on a single chart. These are called multiple data series charts. These are called multiple data series charts.

In the example below, the C1Chart displays global temperature data plotted over time using a column chart and a line chart.

Multiple Data Series Chart 

To create a chart with multiple data series
  1. Create a basic chart. See Using the C1Chart Web Part.
  2. Open the On-Board Designer. (See Using the On-Board Designer.)
  3. Click the Series tab.  Select the data series you've already created on the left, and choose a Series Type for it on the right. That data set will be displayed as the type of Chart selected. (Column chart, Bar chart, etc.)
  4. Click the plus sign on the lower left and in the Name field enter the name for your new data series.
  5. For the Data Columns, set the following:

    If you select a Group Column field, a separate data series will be displayed for each distinct value in that column. This is not the same as aggregation, which creates a data point along the X-axis for each distinct X column value. You can combine column grouping with aggregation if you wish. See Creating Aggregate Charts

  6. In the Axes section, select the X and Y Axis for the Data Columns. You have the choice of Primary or Secondary. What you choose depends on how you want your data to display.
  7. For example:

    If you would like the 2006 Endowment information to be plotted on top of the 2007 information to illustrate the increases and decreases, for the 2006 information, choose the X Axis of Primary and the Y Axis of Secondary.


Note: The Opacity of the Data Series is the transparency. The default is 1, which is 100%. Reduce it to make a series more transparent.