Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSSetTypeButton Function
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SSSetTypeButton Function

See Also    ActiveX    Example 1    Example 2

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Sets the style, text, picture, type, and shadow size for button cells.



LPSS_CELLTYPE SSSetTypeButton(HWND hWnd, LPSS_CELLTYPE lpCellType, long Style, LPCTSTR Text, LPCTSTR Picture, short nPictureType, LPCTSTR PictureDown, short nPictureDownType, short ButtonType, short nShadowSize, LPSUPERBTNCOLOR lpColor);


LPSS_CELLTYPE TSpread::SetTypeButton(LPSS_CELLTYPE lpCellType, long Style, LPCTSTR Text, LPCTSTR Picture, short nPictureType, LPCTSTR PictureDown, short nPictureDownType, short ButtonType, short nShadowSize, LPSUPERBTNCOLOR lpColor);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
lpCellType Pointer to structure to contain cell type information
Style Button style
Use the (|) OR operator and combine the following values as indicated:
Constant Description
SBS_NOINVERTFRAME Frames do not invert when user presses the button, if frames are displayed
SBS_NOPOINTERFOCUS Pointer does not have focus when over button
Use one of the following values:
SBS_TEXTTOP_PICTBOT Text at the top, picture at the bottom
SBS_TEXTBOT_PICTTOP Text at the bottom, picture at the top
SBS_TEXTLEFT_PICTRIGHT Text at the left, picture at the right
SBS_TEXTRIGHT_PICTLEFT Text at the right, picture at the left
Use one of the following values:
SBS_BTNFRAMEIN Frame projecting in around inside of the button
SBS_BTNFRAMEOUT Frame projecting out around inside of the button
Use one of the following values:
SBS_PICTFRAMEIN Frame projecting in around picture
SBS_PICTFRAMEOUT Frame projecting out around picture
Use one of the following values:
SBS_TEXTFRAMEIN Frame projecting in around text
SBS_TEXTFRAMEOUT Frame projecting out around text
Use one of the following values:
SBS_TEXTICON Icon used as text
SBS_TEXTBITMAP Bitmap used as text
SBS_TEXTTEXT Words used as text
Text Optional text to display in the button
Picture Name of optional picture to display in the button
(Use the name of the bitmap specified in the resource file.)Note If the nPictureType parameter value is SUPERBTN_PICT_HANDLE, then set this as a pointer to an HICON or HBITMAP variable that is cast to LPTSTR.
nPictureType Type of picture to display
Use one of the following values:
Constant Description
SUPERBTN_PICT_HANDLE Pointer to a bitmap or icon handle or this value combined with the (|) OR operator with SUPERBTN_PICT_BITMAP or SUPERBTN_PICT_ICON
PictureDown Name of optional picture to display in button when button is down
nPictureDownType Type of picture to display when button is down
(Valid values are listed as nPictureType parameter values.)
ButtonType Button type
Use one of the following values:
Constant Description
SUPERBTN_TYPE_NORMAL Button acts similar to a command button
SUPERBTN_TYPE_2STATE Button has two states, up and down
nShadowSize Size in pixels of the shadow area (usually 1 or 2 pixels)
lpColor Button color


This function is applied to the current sheet setting unless you first call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet for which you are calling this function.

This function initializes a structure of the specified type (SS_CELLTYPE). You can use this structure to set an individual cell or block of cells using the SSSetCellType or SSSetCellTypeRange functions.

For two-state buttons (SUPERBTN_TYPE_2STATE), you can set or retrieve the state of the button by using the SSSetData or SSGetData functions. The text value is 1 if the button is down or 0 if the button is up.

The parent is notified when the user presses the button.

Return Value

Pointer to the SS_CELLTYPE structure, or NULL if any of the parameters are invalid.

See Also

Creating Button Cells

SSGetData, SSSetCellType, SSSetCellTypeRange, SSSetData, SSSetSheet functions


ActiveX Correspondence

TypeButtonAlign, TypeButtonBorderColor, TypeButtonColor, TypeButtonDarkColor, TypeButtonLightColor, TypeButtonPicture, TypeButtonPictureDown, TypeButtonShadowSize, TypeButtonText, TypeButtonTextColor, TypeButtonType properties

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