Spread 8.0 Documentation
TypeSpinInc Property
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ActiveX Reference > ActiveX Properties > TypeSpinInc Property

Glossary Item Box

TypeSpinInc Property

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Sets or returns the increment used in a currency, number, or percent cell when users press the spin button. This property is available at run time only.



double CSpreadSheet::GetTypeSpinInc( );
void CSpreadSheet::SetTypeSpinInc(double value);

Visual Basic

[form.]fpSpread.TypeSpinInc[ = value&]


The default value for the TypeSpinInc property is 1.1. If the cursor is left of the decimal point, the spin button increments the value using the whole number. If the cursor is right of the decimal point, the spin button increments the value using the first, or "tenths," decimal place.

You can have the currency, number, or percent cell display a spin button that lets users increment the value to the minimum or maximum value allowed in the cell. To have the cell display a spin button, set the TypeSpin property for the cell to True. The spin button can wrap the value from the maximum to the minimum or vice versa if you set the TypeSpinWrap property to True. Set this property to specify by how many increments the value changes when the user presses the spin button.

To use the TypeSpinInc property, specify the sheet with which you want to work by setting the Sheet property. Then specify the cell or cells to which to apply the property, as described in Using Column and Row Properties. Once you set the TypeSpinInc property for a currency, number, or percent cell or cells, any subsequent currency, number, or percent cells you create will use the same TypeSpinInc setting unless you reset it for those cells.

The TypeSpinInc property does not have an effect unless the CellType property is set to 12 (Currency), 13 (Number), or 14 (Percent) and the TypeSpin property is set to True for the specified cell or cells.

Use the TypeCurrencyMax, TypeCurrencyMin, TypeNumberMax, TypeNumberMin, TypePercentMax, and TypePercentMin properties to specify the maximum and minimum allowed values for the cell.

Spread Designer

Choose the Cell menu, the Cell Type menu, the Currency, Number, or Percent menu, and then the Settings tab, and then type a number in the Increment edit box in the Spin Button group box in the Cell Type Settings dialog box.

Data Type

Long Integer

See Also

Formatting a Currency Cell
Formatting a Number Cell
Formatting a Percent Cell

CellType, Sheet, TypeCurrencyMax, TypeCurrencyMin, TypeNumberMax, TypeNumberMin, TypePercentMax, TypePercentMin, TypeSpin, TypeSpinWrap properties

DLL Correspondence

SSSetTypeCurrencyEx, SSSetTypeNumberEx, SSSetTypePercentEx functions

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