C1Chart Quick Start

The C1Chart Web Part Quick Start shows you how to create a column chart that displays the universities with the top 10 endowment funds for a given year (in this case, 2007).

Chart Web Part 

This Quick Start uses the Endowments list. If you have not created this list, see Quick Start for instructions.


How it works:

The Endowments List contains the names (the Institution column), state, 2007 and 2006 endowments, and endowment ranking of 785 universities. It also contains the percentage  change in endowments for each between 2006 and 2007.

This Quick Start uses the Institution, Rank, and 2007 endowment information from the list.


To create a Chart
  1. Add the C1Chart Web Part to the page. (See Adding a Web Part to a Page.)
  2. Open the On-Board Designer. (See Using the On-Board Designer.)
  3. Click the Data Source tab.
  4. Choose the Endowments List.


  5. The Endowments list has 785 institutions (too many for this chart) so we need to pare it down to the institutions with the top 10 endowments. To do that, we filter the list. Click the ellipsis next to the Endowments list. The columns in the list will be displayed.
  6. Select Rank, then click the Filter button. In the Filter field, enter <=10.

    Endowments Filtered 

  7. Click the Views button and choose List to return to the previous display.

    List View

  8. Click OK.
  9. Now we need to name the data series and choose the X and Y axis of the chart. Click the Series tab. Click the plus sign on the lower left and give the series the name of 2007 Endowment. For the Data Columns, set the following:
  10. Click OK.

    This will put the Institutions on the X Axis and the 2007 Endowments on the Y Axis.

    Set Axes

  11. The Legend should be at the top of this chart, so we need to move it from its default position (the bottom). Click the Chart tab and in the Legend area, change the Position to Top.

    While you are there, note that the Chart Type is Column, which is the default.

    Data Columns

    Two tweaks to the Axes tab information and we are done. First of all, we would like the Universities in the X axis to display at an angle so they are easier to read.

  12. Click the Axes tab and choose X axis from the drop-down at the top.
  13. In the Annotations area, enter 20 for the Angle. Click OK.

    20 degree angle

  14. Now we want the dollar amounts displayed on the Y axis to be displayed as currency. Choose the Y axis at the top and in the Annotations area, choose Currency as the Numeric Format. (This tells the Web Part to display the numbers in the 2007 Endowment column as dollars.)


  15. Click the Save Web Part button.

If you'd like your chart to be more exciting than plain old beige, try changing the Theme or the Palette. The C1Chart Web Part has 11 themes and 20 palettes. They are set on the Chart tab (in the Appearance section.)


The result: