Quick Start

This Quick Start will help you get up-to-speed on ComponentOne Studio for SharePoint.

There is one Quick Start for each Web Part, and each highlights several features of that Web Part. After you have completed the Quick Start for each one, you can make any additional customizations you wish using the On-Board Designer. 

The Studio for SharePoint Demo Site showcases all of the Web Parts. See http://webparts.componentone.com.


Before you begin, download the Excel Spreadsheets from: ftp://publicfiles.componentone.com/C1StudioforSharePointDataSources.zip

Create a SharePoint List for each (see below).

The C1StudioforSharePointDataSources.zip file includes the following:


To create a SharePoint List 

Before beginning the Quick Start, create a SharePoint List for each of the Excel spreadsheets your downloaded: State Capitals, Endowments, Universities, and Demographics.

  1. On the Site Actions menu, choose More Options...
  2. Choose Import Spreadsheet as the Type (you will need to scroll down). Click Create.
  3. Enter a Name and browse to the File Location. Click Import.
  4. Excel will open, along with the Import to Windows SharePoint Services List dialog box.         

    See the Studio for SharePoint Demo Site for more tutorials.

  5. Choose the Range Type of Range of Cells. (For the Demographics spreadsheet, choose the Range Type of Table Range and choose Sheet1!Table1 in the Select Range drop-down. Go to Step 8.)
  6. Click the - sign in the Select Range field. A smaller import dialog box will open.         

    Range Selector

  7. Select the range in the spreadsheet. (You may find it easier to scroll to the end of the spreadsheet and select from the bottom up. Make sure to include the column headers in your selection.)
  8. Click the download button on the right of the small dialog box, then click the Import button in the larger Import to Windows SharePoint Services List dialog box. Your list will open in SharePoint.


Bing Maps license

You need a Bing Maps license to try the geocoding features of the C1Maps Web Part. If you don't have a Bing Maps license, you can sign up for a free developer license here: http://www.bingmapsportal.com/.