Choosing a Data Source

ComponentOne Studio for SharePoint makes it easy to connect our Web Parts to your Data Source.  

You can connect to many types of SharePoint Lists, including:

Your Data Source must be a SharePoint List, and many types of data sets can easily be converted.

Data Source tab 

If your Data Source needs to be converted to a SharePoint List 


To choose a data source for any ComponentOne Studio for SharePoint web part
  1. Open the On-Board Designer. (See Using the On-Board Designer.)
  2. Click the Data Source tab to display the available SharePoint lists. 

    To navigate to a different site collection, enter the URL in the Site field or select a site collection from the drop-down menu. Entering a / in the Site field will always return you to the top of the list.

  3. Choose the SharePoint list to use as a Data Source. To select a specific list view, click the arrow to the left of the name, then select the appropriate list. 


  4. Click the Save Web Part button.


You can view, sort, select, and filter the columns in your selected data source, see: