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C1TrueDBGrid Tutorials

Twenty-Two tutorials are presented in this chapter. The tutorials assume that you are familiar with programming in Visual Studio .NET, know what a DataSet is, and generally know how to use bound controls. The tutorials provide step-by-step instructions—no prior knowledge of True DBGrid is needed. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, you will be able to create projects demonstrating a variety of True DBGrid features, and get a good sense of what the True DBGrid can do and how to do it.

The tutorials use an Access database, TDBGDemo.mdb. The database files TDBGDemo.mdb are in the Common subdirectory of the ComponentOne Studio.NET 2.0 program folder and the tutorial projects are in the Tutorial subdirectory of the True DBGrid installation directory.

We encourage you to run the tutorial projects in Visual Basic, examine the code, and experiment with your own modifications. This is the best and quickest way to realize the full potential of True DBGrid. You will find that True DBGrid is very easy to use, and it enables you to create powerful database applications.

The tutorials assume that the database file TDBGDemo.mdb is in the C:\Program Files\ComponentOne Studio.NET 2.0\common directory, and refer to it by filename instead of the full pathname for the sake of brevity.

Note: Depending on where you store the projects and database files, you may need to change the location of the TDBGDemo.mdb reference in the DataSet.

Tutorial 1 - Binding True DBGrid to a DataSet

Tutorial 2 - Using True DBGrid with SQL Query Results

Tutorial 3 - Linking Multiple True DBGrid Controls

Tutorial 4 - Interacting with Code and Other Bound Controls

Tutorial 5 - Selecting Multiple Rows Using Bookmarks

Tutorial 6 - Defining Unbound Columns in a Bound Grid

Tutorial 7 - Displaying Translated Data with the Built-In Combo

Tutorial 8 - Attaching a Drop-Down Control to a Grid Cell

Tutorial 9 - Attaching an Arbitrary Drop-Down Control to a Grid Cell

Tutorial 10 - Enhancing the User Interface with In-Cell Bitmaps

Tutorial 11 - Using Styles to Highlight Related Data

Tutorial 12 - Displaying Rows in Alternating Colors

Tutorial 13 - Implementing Drag-and-Drop in C1TrueDBGrid

Tutorial 14 - Creating a Grid with Fixed, Nonscrolling Columns

Tutorial 15 - PrintInfo and Print Preview

Tutorial 16 - Hierarchical Display

Tutorial 17 - Grouping Display

Tutorial 18 - Value Translation

Tutorial 19 - Range Selection

Tutorial 20 - Multiple Data Views

Tutorial 21 - Filter Bar

Tutorial 22 - Borders, Scroll Tracking, and Scroll Tips

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