Customizing the Behavior and Display of Your Grid

By default, end users can manipulate a C1DataGrid in a number of ways. They can sort, filter, edit, resize columns and rows and more.

However, you can control the level of interaction with your C1DataGrid, and the display of the columns and rows. These items are controlled using the DataGrid tab. You can set these fields for both the Master and the Detail grid (Detail grids are only used in Hierarchical Grids, see Creating a Hierarchical Grid.)

To customize your DataGrid's behavior and display
  1. Open the On-Board Designer. (See Using the On-Board Designer.)
  2. Click the DataGrid tab.                                             

    To control:

    DataGrid Tab 

    There are a few other Column and Row settings that control width and height.

    In the Columns area, you can:

    In the Rows area you can:                                    

  3. Click the Save Web Part button.

Please note: You can set some of these options by column using the Columns tab.

To customize individual columns

This is the place to fine-tune individual columns in your grid.

If you have created a hierarchical grid, you can customize both the Master and the Detail columns.

  1. Open the On-Board Designer. (See Using the On-Board Designer.)
  2. Click the Columns tab. 
  3. Select the column you would like to customize on the left.            

    You can change the default order of the columns here. Use the up and down arrows to set the Display Order. If you would like to remove or hide a column in your C1DataGrid, see Selecting the Data to Display

    In addition to Display Order, you can also set the Group Order to create expandable groups of like-valued cells within one or more columns. Choose Group Order from the drop-down at the bottom. Then select each column(s) and choose Ascending or Descending order from the drop-down. Your data will be nested in the order specified.

    Display Order of Columns   

    To enable specific column types, click the drop-down next to the column name and choose Text, Rich Text, Image, Hyperlink, or Edit Link. Choosing Hyperlink enables the hyperlinks in each cell; Edit Link makes each cell in the column a link that opens the SharePoint editing dialog box. You can then edit the contents of the row.    

    Column Type                         

  4. Set the appearance and behavior of the chosen column.

    To control:

    If you choose a column that contains numeric data, you can specify the Numeric format or the Date/Time format. For more on other standard numeric formats, see Date/time standard format information can be found here:

  5. Click the Save Web Part button.